Stalking Jimmy Fallon on Social Media

Kuvahaun tulos haulle jimmy fallon twitter
I chose to follow Jimmy Fallon because he anyway always pops up on my Youtube homepage with the short snipers of his show and so I already sort of follow his social media presence. I always get sucked in to the endless rabbit holes of some celebrities doing something dumb or telling small stories about themselves. That is a great way to promote yourself and to get people interested in the show and it really shows. His Youtube channel has over 19 million subscribers and the most successful videos have around 100 million views.

But Youtube isn’t his main social media channel. The place he’s best known from is Twitter. There he has over 50 million followers which makes him the 20th most followed person in the whole of Twitter. He posts daily some small previews for the show, behind the scenes material and he also interacts with the fans and gets them involved with the show asking them to tweet out something relating to the nights theme. This way the fans have an ability to be a part of the show and affect the content.

And of course because he is a comedian, he shares a joke or a funny event from his life from time to time. Also the pictures he post reflects his sense of humour quite well. The pictures are often these awkward selfies of him in questionable lighting conditions, often out of focus giving him the ”dad trying to be hip with the kids” type of feel, which grounds him and so makes him more relatable for the fans.

Over all his social media presence has been the driving force that has made him one of the most viewed late night show hosts. He has always been able to keep ahead of the curb and been able to connects with the fans and so been able to please them and cater his material to suit his audience. With these methods he has been one of the most successful traditional media celebrities that have have transitioned to the social media side of things.
